Pacific County Health & Human Services
About the Company
Our Mission
Promote and protect the health of the people of Pacific County today and into the future.
Our Vision
Healthy people of all ages, abilities and cultures living, playing and working together in thriving communities.
Our Values
Respect: We value and respect our clients and colleagues.
Prevention: We believe that life and health can improve. Our purpose is to provide replicable, evidence-based services that improve environments and influence community policy and norms that support healthy choices.
Partnership: We value community partnerships, both public and private. We know that collaboration builds greater capacity. Supporting our partners has positive impact on the health of our community.
Stewardship: We honor the public’s trust and are responsible and accountable stewards of public monies, our time, and tools we use to provide services.
Communication: We believe in effective exchange of information with our peers and our community. We will share knowledge and seek input.
Education: We provide learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities improve their health, by increasing their knowledge and influencing their attitudes.